Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Select From File Tool

Use the Select From File tool to reduce the size of a segment by selecting records using unique keys from an external imported file.

For example:


To configure the Select From File tool:

  1. Click into the Engine Key Column field and using the generic selector, browse to the Engine database column that will provide the matching key. This must be a distinct field such as URN, Order Number or E-mail Address.
  2. Click the [...] button next to the Key File field to launch the Document Explorer, from which you can browse to and select the required key file or alternatively, click Upload Files to import a new one.

Note that the key file should not contain column headers.

The system scans the selected key file to determine the file's type and key column. These values are then automatically populated in the Import File Type and Key Column fields. If you subsequently change the Key File, you can click the Rescan file button to perform another scan to determine the values relevant to the new key file.

  1. Make sure the correct Import File Type field is configured with the appropriate value. If not, use the drop-down menu to manually select the type from the options available: Delimited, Fixed, Undetermined, Excel. Depending on the file type, you might be required to configure additional fields. For example, for Delimited file types, you can specify a Delimiter and Qualifier.
  1. Make sure the correct value is configured in the KeyColumn field. If not, select the required setting from any available in the Key Column drop-down menu.
Note: You must only configure this field when there are multiple distinct columns in the selected key file. Depending on this field's setting you might need to specify the column ordinal, as illustrated in the example in step 3.
  1. Click Run Processes to perform the calculation.
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